Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Life And Times

The weekend was quite good.

There was a skateboard competition and the purchase of a new board and all that goes along with it. Shortly after that, we applied ice packs and band aids.

We spent a good part of an afternoon in a park. My favorite question whenever we arrive at a park--"hey mom, can I make new friends?" There were plenty of kids to make new friends with and lots of sand to top it off. A very nice park indeed.

The birthday boy--better known as Joe-Joe, Johnjamen, Marshmallow, Birthday Boy, King--yes, that was how he asked to be addressed on his day--requested dinner out. So off we went to a local "farm" restaurant for giant burgers. We finally finished the left-overs yesterday.

Monday was almost a day of rest. Our Little Miss was able to spend the whole day with us. We all enjoyed the weather and did the American Thing. Meaning? Well, we didn't drive anywhere, but we did light up the grill and burn meat!

Yesterday was a whirl-wind of events. All the regular stuff like groceries and PT for the Little Miss. But we also had a visit from her case worker and just about the whole neighborhood over for afternoon playtime.

Today is one of those wonderful summer days. The whole plan is to go the park and make to piano on time, less dirty than last week. I'm guessing we'll do better on both, but still not be totally on time or anywhere near really clean.

Keeping boys clean is not something I try to do in the summer. We just do really serious bed time showers. I go through a lot of soap and band aids in the summer season. But it's worth it. I love to see them running full out in the sun with other kids. I love to see them work hard at bikes, scooters and boards. They really want to own their tricks and do them well. It's a great thing. I love to see six kids squeezed in around the sand box all playing together. I love to see the ball games they invent.

It's cool. It makes you remember your own free days of being a kid. It's so much easier to be loose with the kids in the summer.

I also love the projects. And the read aloud. Right now, we're knee deep in snow in the Little House In The Big Woods. Even boys like these books. I suspect there will be some wood working this morning.

Dental count down. One day left. Tomorrow should be the start of a new set of teeth for me. I'm looking forward to the end.

Last dilemma. A good one really. What to wear. We're going to a reunion of sorts in the next week and I don't know what to wear. I'm planning to go shopping for something new. I never shop, so I'm not really to excited. I really lost my love of shopping years ago when I worked in retail and it never came back. I'm truly happy to never enter a mall, but there is this date...We're going to be at a bar. It is a combination martini bar and garage band bar. How on earth do I figure out what to wear to that??? Plus here in the Midwest it is still early in the season. Weather is unpredictable. It could be horrible hot and humid. It could be cool and crisp. It could be wet. It could be all of those in one night? What's a plain Jane to do. For those of you who don't see me daily, I wear only comfortable. Jeans or shorts, tee's and/or sweatshirts. Always tennis shoes. Even to church.

Shopping suggestions and fashion help needed.

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