Friday, January 9, 2009

Uncharted Waters

I've been in a new place lately. That would be the position of cool mom. OK, maybe not cool, but at least a whole lot more likable than normal!

We've had some really great days lately reading our way through Black Ships Before Troy. It's a children's version of The Iliad. Today we finished it up and also read Jason and the Golden Fleece. That wasn't as good. It wasn't bad, but it wasn't much of a story either. Next we'll be reading The Wanderings of Odysseus. I'm guessing we'll get started tonight.

Then we've added some school on the computer. They actually argue about whose turn it is with the math game. Then it's who is getting the longer turn. They love it. I can't believe it.

The Little Mr. has also started with a typing program. He loves that too. Today he just couldn't get enough of it. Nothing I can complain about there. Even I like to take a few typing lessons on it. I'm not nearly as good a typist as I used to be or as I believe I am. Although the longer I type lessons on it, I realize it isn't so much that I'm a poor typist as much as I'm a poor speller! A ton of my mistakes come from misspellings. Funny how spell check makes you forget.

In between we've watched some science TV and then been strongly "encouraged" to write about it. It's not the most solid science--that found on TV, but it is getting some interest flowing in some new directions. That and writing about anything you see or hear or read is always great for the brain.

Then we've done some really goofy stuff like had a dinner of foods we could find in the freezer. We had pizza and french toast sticks. We filled in our healthy meal with left over New Years treats, chips and dip, cheese and crackers. For dessert, pumpkin pie. Now to make this even better, serve on paper plates in front of the TV.

Thankfully for all of us, those sort of meals and evenings are not the norm, but they are great fun once in a while.

In other notes the boys are getting a little different exposure to the Bible this year. Instead of doing lessons or Bible studies, they just getting some of the books as read alouds at bedtime. They are adventure boys so they began with Revelation. It's been fun to watch.

In general the boys have been fun to watch lately. They've gotten some electronics this Christmas and it's led to some unexpected bonding. They got into this habit of pairing up in the bunk bed, calling it a club and staying up half the night with their night vision goggles on. When it's very late and I'm done with the different feeding for Little One, I go into their room to check on them. They have been side by side sleeping soundly.

I'm cherishing these days where they've found a way to be great friends. It seemed for a long time that they would be forever locked in a pattern of big brother vs. little, one up-ing, competing and just being boys. They have found ways to befriend and share. They are thinking of each other in ways that really surprise me, but make me very happy.

I still think though, that this will be the season of review of a few home rules. I foresee myself saying the same things over and over this year. Millions of times perhaps.

Don't touch.

Be quiet.

Seems simple. I know. But, it's a full house and temptation is always there.

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