Saturday, September 10, 2011

Return To Fall

Fall is a season of returning.

Today was returning to many things.

This afternoon saw a return to football.  The Littlest Mr. had his first game.  No head injury.  A very tough game. They got their butts handed to them, but they hung tough, played hard and after the game, returned across the field to their families all standing and applauding and cheering.  It was a cool moment.

There is a return to sweet fall weather.  There is nothing more perfect than shorts and a sweat shirt in my planet.  The cool of the evening comes on quick and dark.

All have returned to school.  Life itself returns to a certain well worn rhythm of days and schedules and activities.

The Drummer returned to our place, just for a short while, so we could wish him a happy birthday.  His return brought to mind how much we miss his sister, Chicklet.  See they're a lot a like.  He got in the van, plugged in his iPod and started playing the songs we all knew  because they were a part of our everyday life with Chicklet. 

The kids around here have put up a count down counter to track the time until Chicklet returns.

I have returned to a daily blog habit, even if it's late in the day or night when I remember that I'm doing a daily write. 

I am working my schedules to be able to return to my home habits in chore-land. I am working to return to my coffee and lunch dates with friends.

Some of my friends are returning to who they are. 

I like fall.  For me, it is overall a season of returning.  Often it's a simple return of a memory.  Fall offers up those moments to catch your breath and catch a memory.