Sunday, November 13, 2011

What Counts

I've been on a blog streak.  2 1/2 months without a miss.

Tonight's post is almost a miss.  Last night's was too.

Sometimes blogging is therapy in a way, a sort of reflection and observation of life.  Sometimes that life is just out there in the bigger circle.  Sometimes that life is your immediate circle of friends and family.

Blogs are things that walk the line of too little and then in turn not interesting or too much and being like a train wreck.

For right now, the best I can say is transitions are tough.  Compared to other kids we've taken in over the last 5+ years, Mr. Monkey is "old".  It will be hard.  It is hard.

So my time, my attention goes to the kids, to the family, to those relationships instead of here.  Blog streaks are cool and fun but life right here under my roof and in my heart is what really counts.

With that, my apology for the "cheat" posts these last two days.  Set your expectations, there may be more like this to come, or even a gap of posts.

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