Wednesday, January 17, 2007

School...but where

Today we are having a simulated public school day.
Why would a home school family do this you might ask?
Well, it's simple really. One of the Little Mr.'s believes that home school is just plain awful. Too hard. Too much work. Too long. And that teacher. She is way to mean and strict. So, we're off to our version of public school today.
In a few minutes, I'll be bundling him up and sending him outside to walk to school. Just as he would if he went to the local school. There will be lots of standing in line and a full schedule. I even have a lovely hot lunch ready to go. We'll be in class today from 8 to 3. Then we're off to piano and church.
Should be an interesting day. Home school isn't for everyone, and maybe it's not for him. '
Other topics. Another wonderful soup last night. When I get around to writing down what I did, I'll share it here. I'm looking forward to the left-overs of this one. Plus it was nice to look at. Carrots and butternut squash. Mmm.
I've been working on some other writing and I'll share it soon, if I get more than a minute to pull it together a bit. Right now, it's just scribbled thoughts in my book. Then I expect your comments. The plan after all isn't just to keep all of you updated on our boring little lives over here, but for me to not write in a vacuum.
I need to send someone to school now.

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