Saturday, June 6, 2009

Give a Little Grace

It's been a long and frustrating week. It was too full. And yet, that is our normal. Every day had moments and snap shots I meant to share but they were also days that ran so hard and long that by the end I could do no more than drop into bed and hope for a full night of sleep.

This week we had more teeth come in, another birthday and first steps. We got baseball uniforms and more coaches training. We said farewell to our High School Home Team, extreme spoons and all. The dog got cleaner and healthier. The summer activity list grew. There were two field trips and two picnics. We got our Mic-KEY tube and pink eye.

In all of this there were plenty of parent moments that seemed to be so much harder than those of our peers. It is a part of parenting challenged kids. You always feel as though you are working so much harder at parenting even the simplest things than other parents around you and yet your "results" are so much less. In the end, each time, you realize it is simply a call for greater grace.

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