Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wandering Thoughts Wednesday

I think it's the fog in the air around here this dismal time of year that leaves me with a fog in the mind, but that's how it is, so take it or leave it today.

As a mom-on-the-spot, certified cape wearing wanna be super mom fueled by caffeine and a serious lack of sleep, how could I possibly, so fantastically misunderstood the preregistration process for 4K enrollment. Now, I've sentenced myself to standing in a line on Saturday morning in the gym of local middle school.

Just thinking of that brings me around to my next musing for the day. What is it about the laundry hampers from the boy cave that make me secretly want to wear those blue surgical gloves before sticking my hand down in there to retrieve some damp smelly socks and things?

In a related thought, am I going to scar them for life if I wash their clothes in lilac scented detergent? It doesn't seem to improve the smell of the laundry after they've worn it and the scent of the detergent doesn't seem to be in the clothes after washing so I'm not even sure what the point of the smell is. Although it does make my laundry hall smell better, read a lot less like old work boots and dog.

Why does gossip, rumor and everything else in that vein find it's way to me? So much speculation, so little information.

How do all those odd socks end up in my van?

Why did the huge pile of snow covering up my front yard make me forget all the mud that was under it? Talk about a rude thaw.

How do 2 boys make more laundry in a week than the other 4 people in the family?

How did I manage to completely forget about last nights left overs on the kitchen counter, especially when I was planning to serve it again for dinner tonight? Now all I have is container of food poisoning. Time for freezer roulette.

How can cable TV be so difficult to repair?

Sincerely, I hate the white load...all those socks.

Why is it that even though I know I'm super blessed with wonderful friends, when I see the caller id, I think do I really have to answer that? Do I really have to talk with them? Do they really want to hang out or do something or...can't they just let me be? Maybe that's a sign I need a little more peace and quiet.

What makes it so difficult to find your spot in life to fit in?

Who thought it was a good idea to build a kitchen with textured, white counter tops? If anyone knows the secret to getting & keeping those nasty things clean, I'd like to hear it? Ripping them off is moving it's way up the list fast. I think it's going to line up right after landscape the front yard, finish painting the interior, and put new flooring in the first floor at least, maybe the first and second floor. I've already blogged about how much I love carpet. Oh yeah, and repair my chimney.

Why am I so super lazy about the dog doo? If I'd pick it up all winter long while it's frozen it'd be so much better than what I see out my back door right now.

I was totally disturbed by the song on Yo Gabba Gabba today, even though it totally applied to our house in this past week. Somehow I just feel that there shouldn't be a song that is something about eating bananas, rice, applesauce and toast. It's just wrong.

I'm sure there were more, but one can only stand so much wondering on one Wednesday.

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