Thursday, March 17, 2011

Vegas Bound Baby

There's a vacation in my future. 

The Mr. and I are going to head out to Vegas for a while to take a break from the kids. 

I'm looking forward to warm weather and sun.  I'm planning to sleep a lot and lay by the pool.  I'm thinking we're going to check out a lot of restaurants because I'm food obsessed.  Did I mention a nap?  I'm thinking about spa time and a baseball game. 

The Mr. on the other hand, has planned the perfect Sunday morning for me.  We'll sleep in, have breakfast room serviced to us and a copy of the New York Times.

I'm so sick.  I can hardly wait.

For me, that is the plan of pure delight.

A Sunday morning lying in bed with breakfast and coffee and The Times is the ultimate for me.  It's a hold over from my life before kids.  It was my guilty indulgence for many years. 

So this is the part where you help plan my vacation.  Tell me your favorite places to eat in Vegas.  Tell me what shows I shouldn't miss.  Most important, tell me what books to order from Amazon to take with me on the trip.

See you in the comments!