Thursday, May 9, 2013

Survivor Blog Day 2

It's 2PM.  It's been a day.  It will continue to be a day.  No end in sight.

6AM wake up, it was quiet.  That is highly unusual.  I was able to read and have a cup of coffee.

6:30 Mr. Monkey is up. Little Mr. is up.

7AM Little Mr. is off to school.

7:10 Mr. Monkey begins his tantrum.  Rage lasts until 8.

8AM crazy scramble to get ready for school/leave.  Little Miss spent an hour getting dressed in dirty clothes from the day before, Mr. Monkey is full on tantrum, Littlest Mr. is just tired from a late ball game the night before.

8:30 Little Miss and Littlest Mr. at school, Mr. Monkey calm and dropped off.

9AM back home, lay down

9:30 get up start eating breakfast

10AM Mr. Monkey massive meltdown at school, time for me to go get him.  He's done for the day.

10:30 Begin making calls to caseworker, therapist, clinic, The Mr., teachers, IEP team, etc.

11:15 Pick up Little Mr. head to ortho.

12:40 Little Mr. back to school

12:50 stress eat half the fridge

1:15 go to hobby store to get birthday gift for Littlest Mr. to take to party on Friday

2PM home, more calls, internet searching, blogging, arrangements for rest of day to make certain dinner happens,make sure the treats for Little Miss to be star student tomorrow happen, adjust lunch plans for tomorrow, remember I'm supposed to be contacting Littlest Mr.'s friends about his birthday, realize I've done nothing yet for any of the 3 upcoming birthdays, realize Mother's day is Sunday and I'm going to fail it-again, remember Littlest Mr.'s socks, ha and the pool pass

So many things.  I really wish a shower had fit into my day, a personal shower not the rain shower we're having.

3PM will be off to pick up kids again, do the after school scramble of homework, sports, dinner, showers and lunchboxes.

Until later

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